About me

Who am I?
- Clinical psychologist between France and Belgium, I am specialised in the support of teenagers, adults, couples and families dealing with psychological traumas, cultural issues, or couple or family difficulties.
- I have an integrative approach (systemic psychotherapy, NTCV, EMDR, CPT, …)
- I welcome you in french, english, spanish and japanese.
My background
My professionnal experiences
● ASBL Centre International de Thérapies
● ASBL Espace Santé Famille
● Children’s village
● Psychiatric day hospital
After a literary baccalauréat, I went on to do a Bachelor’s degree in psychology at the University of Paris 8 (IED), which gave me a strong interest in psychological trauma and adverse childhood experiences (neglect, abuse, sexual abuse, violence between parental figures, etc.). Alongside my degree, I did a DEUG in Japanese at the University of Lille 3 and was able to live in Japan for almost two years, dividing my time between Fukuoka and Nagoya.
I continued my studies with a Masters in Psychological Sciences specialising in clinical psychology at the University of Liège. This master’s degree enabled me to specialise in systemic psychology, a wonderful discovery that gave me a fascinating perspective on human interactions. It also gave me the opportunity to write a dissertation on the impact of parent-child interactions and the parenting practices of parents sexually abused as children on the behaviour of their own child, allowing me to learn even more about the impact of different forms of child abuse on the construction of the individual.
Throughout my studies, I took part in various training courses to deepen my knowledge in certain areas related to psychology (psychocriminology, suicidal behaviour, introductions to EMDR and Ericksonian hypnosis, certificate in projective psychology, etc.). I’ve also been able to take psychotherapy courses in CPT, EMDR, and NTCV which have complemented my knowledge of systemic psychology to give me an integrative approach.
After working a year and a half at Espace Santé Famille, a non-profit organisation in Brussels, where I mainly received asylum seekers from all over the world, I am now working mainly at the Centre International de Thérapies (CITHE) et en ligne. I also have gained experience in a Children’s Village and a psychiatric day hospital.
My specialisations & therapeutic style
My studies, experience and research have enabled me to specialise in dealing with psychological trauma, but also with relationship difficulties within couples and families by studying how they function, how the members of one or the other relate to each other, adapt to each other or, on the contrary, come into conflict, and the reasons behind this.
I’m also very familiar with cultural issues, the difficulties of adapting to a new country, a new language, new habits and customs, and the loss of bearings and loneliness that can be associated with them.
I’m always on the lookout for new knowledge, new ways of looking at things, and I try to provide my patients with the best possible support while keeping myself as close as possible to current scientific knowledge.
Whether I see you alone, with your partner or your family, I attempt to welcome your suffering and your requests in a benevolent and non-judgemental way. I adapt to you as best I can and don’t force you to do anything: it’s important for you to know that if you don’t want to talk about something in therapy, it won’t be discussed. Your limits are important and must be respected.
By combining your knowledge of yourself and my knowledge of psychology, we will work together, in co-construction, to draw on your resources, on the resources of your brain, to help you get better and ease your suffering.
...in Belgium 
● Compsy registration (Psychologists Commission, authorising use of the title of psychologist): 992238038
● Accreditation (authorising use of the professional title of clinical psychologist)
● Visa (authorising the practice of the profession of clinical psychologist): 396119
● Bru-Stars first-line psychologist convention
...in France 
● Pending review by the Commission of Psychologists