Reasons to consult

What are the difficulties I provide care for

in my psychological consultations?

At some point in our lives, we all face difficult events that we find hard to deal with and for which we would like support. This support can be found within ourselves, in our family and close friends, but it can also be found in a mental health professional in the context of psychological consultations.



Here is a list of issues that you may be suffering from at the moment and that we could explore and work on together.

Psychological trauma

Traumatisme psychologique
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You have experienced one or more events that deeply affected you and you feel as if you can’t move on, constantly reliving what happened through thoughts, dreams, emotions, etc.


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You often feel anxious and can’t stop those ruminations about past situations where you wish you’d acted differently, or imagining worst-case scenarios for the future.


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You find it hard to experience positive emotions. Things you used to enjoy no longer give you pleasure. You feel sad and empty. You don’t want to do anything.

Cultural issues

Problèmes culturels
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You find it hard to adapt to your new environment because of your cultural differences, and this weighs heavily on your day-to-day life.

Suicidal ideas

Idées suicidaires
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You feel so bad that sometimes, you just want to disappear. Perhaps you’ve already felt like hurting yourself, or ending your life.

Relational issues

You experience difficulties in your relationships with others. You have the impression that you are repeating the same patterns. You feel uncomfortable in your relationships.

Managing emotions

Gestion des émotions
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You find it hard to deal with the emotions you feel. You have the impression that they are overwhelming you, and you sometimes feel like putting them away so you don’t feel them.

Self-esteem and confidence

estime et confiance en soi
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You find it hard to feel that you are someone valuable. You often don’t trust yourself. You’d like to feel more comfortable with yourself.

Couple issues

Problèmes de couple
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Your relationship is on the rocks. You no longer feel on the same wavelength as your partner. You feel a distance between you both. You argue often.

Family problems

Thérapie systémique
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You’re facing a family crisis. You are no longer able to spend quality time together. You feel like you’re cohabiting rather than being a family.

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